Proof of vaccination: An evolving issue for residential condo and apt. properties - Condo Business Magazine
Published November 02, 2021| Condo Business Magazine
Darrell M. Gold & articling student Jordana Lyons published in Condo Business Magazine - Proof of vaccination: An evolving issue for residential condo and apt. properties
As of October 22, 2021, Ontario started to issue and require the use of Canadian proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (POV) in order to use various federal and provincial services including travel, as well as to access certain indoor businesses and settings.
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Darrell M. Gold & articling student Jordana Lyons published in Condo Business Magazine - Proof of vaccination: An evolving issue for residential condo and apt. properties
As of October 22, 2021, Ontario started to issue and require the use of Canadian proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (POV) in order to use various federal and provincial services including travel, as well as to access certain indoor businesses and settings.
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